Overcoming Social Media Overwhelm | Part 2

I’m sharing a second installment on how to overcome social media overwhelm.
We’re going to talk strategies and get you snatched for this ‘gram life.

Today I’m going to talking about how to lead people from Instagram to our real-life offerings as well as strategies and ways in which we can organize ourselves so that we can create content for the ‘gram without feeling overwhelmed because it is a struggle out here, ok?

Last week we talked about how your content should revolve around one of three things;

  1. educate your audience

  2. entertain your audience

  3. build some brand equity.

So let’s talk about how we can use those three pillars in order to lead people from the ‘gram offline and towards our real-life offerings, services, etc. so we can get those coins. I’m obviously speaking from the perspective of a yoga teacher, and I know a lot of you in this community are also yoga teachers or interested in yoga so hopefully this is helpful.


Education - if we’re talking about yoga, the education piece could be helping folks understand what the benefits are f a yoga practice, perhaps some common misconceptions. It’s really thinking about what obstacles or challenges people might be having and how to address those ahead of time so they feel at ease about actually participating in the practice. It also means giving them some tools so they feel more empowered when they do practice and understand the objectives and what different things mean. You would be surprised, I’ve asked people in class all the time what the word “yoga” means and it be crickets up in there. Like CRI-CKETS. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, people have bought into this yoga and people don’t know what the word yoga means! (It means “union” btw in case you didn’t know)

Entertainment - for this pillar you might wanna throw up a little reel. I threw up a reel the other day of me doing yoga and some of my highest viewed reels as just sped up versions of my practicing yoga. It inspires people to practice and move their body, which is one of the reasons I put it up there. It could be something educational, it could be about the props you use to set yourself up, it could be a yoga parody – you could be making fun of something. With reels I did one of the Missy Elliott ones recently that’s doing really well - it’s one where I changed outfits and changed postures for a yoga roulette and that was something that was really entertaining for people. So it’s about thinking of ways you can be creative in the ways in which you can entertain your audience that is still relevant to your brand and your offerings.

Brand equity - when it comes to this pillar we’re talking about the intangible thing that is reputation and the perceptions around your brand. To build brand equity you’re thinking; what is the reason I’m here? What is my mission? What are my values? What is the story behind why I started? How has yoga changed my life? It’s also receipts, you know – sharing people showing up at your events, testimonials. All of these are things that build brand equity and they’re not requiring or asking anything from your audience , it’s more like “hey, here we are, this is what we ‘bout, here are the receipts to show how we really out here, out here.”


Now that we have some ideas are the pillars - education, entertainment and equity building – we can talk about how we plan and organize ourselves. So for example if you have a yoga workshop coming up, it’s not just about posting the flyer. I get this question all the time “I don’t know what else to post if I’m having an event, what else can I post besides the flyer?”

The answer is to educate people on the topic;

  • What are we talking about?

  • Why are we talking about it?

  • Why should I care about it?

  • How is it going to benefit me to learn about this topic?

  • What kind of transformation or change can it have in my life if I show up there?

  • What tools are going to be put in my toolbelt?

You could also talk about the people who might be co-leading with you, you could share about that person. You can also talk about your own personal transformation and what changes have resulted from your participating in the work that you’re sharing, right? You can also think about sharing testimonials or receipts; the impact you’ve already been able to have on others as a result of doing that work. This really encourages people and makes them feel confident and able to trust that you indeed can deliver and they’re going to gain something from working with you.